WIP Wednesday. Whoomp! (There it is)

Busy, busy little bee.  Besides the unfortunate fact that I’ve had the phrase “Shakalaka!” in my head for about TWO DAYS now, things are going well. I finished revisions to my novel and sent it out.  (Thank you so much, beta readers! Way to rock.) I haven’t even started on my Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse thing, but I have faith in myself. I also received an invite to an anthology (Yay!  My first invite!) and that’s due in March.

I’ve been reading slush. I’ve gotten sorely behind on emails.  But perhaps the most important thing is that I started writing that book on my son. It just feels right.

Now welcome to my private hell.  I dare you not to enjoy this at least a little.

12 thoughts on “WIP Wednesday. Whoomp! (There it is)

  1. Ok. That is SO messed up. I’ve had “Shakalaka” in my head for the last couple of days too.

    Who ARE you, really? And how are you transmitting annoying phrases into my brain?

  2. slamdunk- Thank you! And your blog is certainly fascinating. Who hasn’t come up with their own questions and theories concerning the crimes they see on TV? I’ll check back often.

    Matt- Stop eavesdropping on my personal shakalaka thoughts! Pervert. Btw, you totally need to come to KillerCon so we can have an ultimate showdown! It would be so cool.

    Aaron- Sure, we all try to pretend that we hate the song. But secretly we’re all a little bit delighted.

    Nisa- Way to rock, seriously. When are you hitting the mainland? I’ll make it a point to come home.

    Simon- I’ll forever think of you getting your groove on in your acid-washed jeans, thank you very much. And guess what? In my mind, those jeans have PLEATS! You know what I’m talking about.

    Cate- Wise, wise woman.

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